The Fun begins with a variety of pre-festival activities. There are jam sessions, tune exchanges, hiking events, and outings to local establishments. Please join us if you can!
Question: I don't want a schedule, I just want to play and have fun! YES! The schedule below is just an introduction. Start your own jam. Wander the campgrounds and see what you can find. Ask for or give a music lesson. Organize outings or shenanigins with your friends and neighbors. Start new traditions. Its all up to you!
Question: How do I start a jam? Arrange a couple of empty chairs at your campsite in a circle. Sit down and start playing. Or go sit in a public area, like the porch or the fountain, start playing. People will join you.
june 1 - june 30th:
- ​Online Store Open: Order all your ODPC FunFest shirts, hats and accessories at our spirit sale online store.
daily (and nightly):
- ​Jamming in the Red (Goat) Barn, The Red barn is reserved for jamming the for the entire festival. Open to all.
daily, starting Tuesday July 9th through July 17th:
- ​U​ke jams, 10-11:30am at the Lions pavilion. If you own a copy of the book, The Daily Ukulele, by Liz and Jim Beloff, please bring your book to the jam. This is the yellow book, from their three book series.
daily, starting Wednesday July 10th through July 17th:
- Hammer Dulcimer jams, 1-4 ​pm and ​7-10 pm in the ODPC Pavilion. All instruments are welcome.
- Mountain Dulcimer jams, check the whiteboard at campsite A25 for times.
Thursday & Friday July 11 & 12
- Rick Thum "Beyond A-Z of Hammered Dulcimer". For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
Friday July 12 Daily thru July 17th
- Dixieland Jam: 2-4:15pm daily at the Swine Barn. All instruments welcome; not limited to traditional Dixieland instrumentation. Discover the joy of the old time favorites performed in a Dixieland style: Bill Bailey, Darktown Strutters’ Ball, When the Saints, Alabama Jubilee… Coordinated by Jim Janofski
Saturday July 13th
- 9:00am - Jam at the Evart Farmer’s Market. Join us any time between 9 am and 1 pm. Everyone is welcome! 200 South Main St, Evart, MI at the Evart Depot next to the Pere Marquette Rails to Trails.
Daily, starting saturday July 13 thru 17
- 2:00-4:00pm - Fiddle jam, 2 ​- 4 ​pm at the Lions pavilion.
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam: at sites 34 & 35B
Sunday July 14th
- 10am - Church Service Performance, Evart Free Methodist Church. Try to arrive by 9:30am to setup. A musical service played by festival attendees. The church is located just to the west of the fairgrounds at 6151 95th Ave. All instruments are welcome. Here is the Playlist (revised July7). For questions, contact Jim Janofski
- 7pm - Gospel Sing in the Fairgrounds Community Building. A long time Evart tradition. Bring yourself, your voice and/or your backup instrument. Special music welcomed and encouraged.
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam: at sites 34 & 35B
Monday July 15, 16 & 17
- Rick Thum "A-Z of Hammered Dulcimer" For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
- 9am-12am - Dave Haas "Mountain Dulcimer Track 1" Novice thru Intermediate workshop offered for 3 half days. For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
- 1pm-4pm - Dave Haas "Mountain Dulcimer Track 2" Intermediate thru advanced workshop offered for 3 half days. For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
Monday July 15th
- Stage Assembly (Grandstand) (Volunteers Needed)
- 9am-4pm Make a Gourd Drum - Old Office (building 14 on the map). Cut and lace your drum head. Learn the history of gourd drums. Cost for materials $50. Contact Karen Brown at kahb69@gmail.com
- 10am - Sloth Jam at the ODPC Pavilion. This is a slower than slow jam for beginners
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam: at sites 34 & 35B
Monday July 15, 16
- 9:00am-4:00pm Brett Ridgeway Ukulele Workshop - clawhammer ukulele style! For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
Tuesday July 16th
- 7:30am - Fair Board Breakfast in the Community Building. Annual breakfast sponsored by the Fair Board. You can also update/renew your membership information at this event.
- 7:30 am - Ribbon Pinning Party in the Community Building. Eat your breakfast, then join us to pin the festival ribbons.
- 9am-4pm Make an Ocean Drum. Old Office (building 14 on the map) Make and decorate an ocean drum. Cost for materials $65. Contact Karen Brown at kahb69@gmail.com
- 9am-4pm Dan Levenson Fiddle class. For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
- 10am - Sloth Jam at the ODPC Pavilion. This is a slower then a slow jam for beginners
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam: At sites 34 & 35B
Wednesday, July 17th
- 9:am - 4:pm ODPC Office Open - volunteer signup, membership renewal & tee shirt sales
- 9am - 4pm Dan Levenson Clawhammer Banjo Class. For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for this class
- 9am - 4pm Gourd Rattle Class. Old Office (building 14 on the map) Each student will design their gourd rattle and add beads, beans and or seeds to get the sound they like from their rattle. A handle will be attached and decorative elements can be added as well. There will be fur scraps, dyes, beads and wood burning tools to use during the class. Cost for materials $30. Contact Karen Brown kahb69@gmail.com
- 9:30-2:30pm Mark Alan Wade Hammered Dulcimer Class sessions 1-3 For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for these classes
- 10:00am - Hammered Dulcimer Stage Show Opener Practice at the Swine Barn.
- 10:00am - Sloth Jam at the ODPC Pavilion. This is a slower then a slow jam for beginners
- 11:45am - The Battle Cry of Freedom - Music and Revivals of the Civil War Era at the Lion's Club Pavilion. Reminders of the captivating, powerful, and time tested music and spiritual revivals during this turbulent era in our American history.) Presented by Jim Janofski—instruments and players welcomed!
- 1:15-2:30pm Randy Clepper - Irish Accompaniment: How I Do It for all accompaniment instruments – All Levels. For details & registration see the Pre-Fest Academy. There is a cost for this class.
- 3pm - 4:15pm Mark Alan Wade Mountain Dulcimer Class Session 4 For details & registration, see the Pre-Fest Academy. there is a cost for these classes
- 3:00-4:15pm Randy Clepper Open Clinic for bouzouki, guitar, tentor banjo & Mandolin. For details & registration see the Pre-Fest Academy. There is a cost for this class.
- 4:00-6:30pm - Baked Potato Dinner in the Community Hall. This is a fundraiser for the Osceola County 4-H Small Animal Program. Cost: 5 & up - $12
- 7:00pm - Dixieland Jam in the Community Hall
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam: at sites 34 & 35B
- Evening - Squirrels' Nest Open Jam
~ FUNFEST official start - THURSDAY ~
Thursday, July 18th
- 9:00am - noon Children's Activities (Rabbit Barn)
- 9:00am - 5:00pm Workshops
- 9:00am - 4:00pm ODPC Office - volunteer signup, membership renewal & tee shirt sales
- 10:00am - 6:00pm Vendor Sales
- 1:00pm - 4:00pm Children's Activities (Rabbit Barn)
- 6:30pm - 10:00pm Evening Stage Show (Grandstands)
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam - at site 34 & 35b
- Evening - Squirrels' Nest Open Jam
Friday, July 19th
- 9:00am - noon Children's Activities (Rabbit Barn)
- 9:00am - 5:00pm Workshops
- 9:00am - 4:00pm OPDC Office - volunteer signup, membership renewal & tee shirt sales
- 10:00am - 6:00pm Vendor Sales
- 1:00pm - 4:00pm Children's Activities (Rabbit Barn)
- 6:30pm - 10:00pm Evening Stage Show (Grandstands)
- 7:00pm - 9:00pm Friday Night Dance (Community Hall)
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam - at site 34 & 35b
- Evening - Squirrels' Nest Open Jam
Saturday, July 20th
- 9:00am - 5:00pm Workshops
- 9:00am - 4:00pm OPDC Office - volunteer signup, membership renewal & tee shirt sales
- 10:00am - 6:00pm Vendor Sales
- 10:00am - 11:30am Youth Concert (Grandstands)
- 1:00pm - 4:00pm Children's Activities (Rabbit Barn)
- 2:00pm - 3:30pm Open Mic Concert (Grandstands)
- 6:30pm - 10:00pm Evening Stage Show (Grandstands)
- 7:00pm - Silverstrings Open Jam - at site 34 & 35B
- Evening - Squirrels' Nest Open Jam
- Late Evening - Irish Jam - All are welcome (Building 11)
Sunday, July 21st
- 9:00am - 9:50am Gospel Sing - A gospel service. Led by Pastor Jim Janofski. (Community Hall)
- 10:30am FunFest Wrap-up meeting (CODPC Office)
- Stage Disassembly (Grandstand) (Volunteers Very Much Needed)